Burning Heather

9 March 2010

Since moving to North Yorkshire the burning of heather on the moors has been something I have wanted to see. I was really excited when I noticed the smoke rising from that area on my drive home from York, so I headed up there with my camera. This fire was right next to the road...

Day 67 - 8th March '10

In order to provide a perfect habitat for grouse, the gamekeepers carry out rotational burning. Every year around this time (when there are no birds nesting and when the ground is damp) they set alight small areas of older heather to encourage it to grow new shoots the following year. It creates a mosaic of heather growing at varying heights. The taller and older heather gives the grouse a place to nest, and the shorter younger heather provides them with food.

The smoke was making a beautiful cloud pattern and a pretty colour cast in the sky...

Here's the rest of my 365:2010 photos from the last few days.

Day 66 - 7th March '10

Day 65 - 6th March '10

Day 64 - 5th March '10

Day 63 - 4th March '10


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