Bursting into life

28 April 2010

I finally got out to take some photos of the beautiful blossom in our garden this morning. Spring is well and truly here, and it's about time! I'm loving how everywhere is bursting into colour. Now all we need is some warm weather.

And the grape hyacinths in our front garden looked great close up too...

The End

16 April 2010

..of my 365:2010 project. On Friday 26th March I completely forgot to take a photo, I don't know how I could forget :( I didn't even realise that I had missed the day until I woke up on Saturday morning - I was not happy! I am quite disappointed, I was pleased with my project up until this point.

From now on my project will be a photo every so often for 2010. It has been quite nice not being under pressure to find a photo every day since then, I was beginning to take uninteresting photos for the sake of taking a photo. After a little break I hope to start this project again.

Here is my last photo, Day 83 - 25th March '10

and the others since my last blog post:

Day 82 - 24th March '10

Day 81 - 23rd March '10

Day 80 - 22nd March '10

Day 79 - 21st March '10

Day 78 - 20th March '10

Day 77 - 19th March '10

Day 76 - 18th March '10

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