A great little guy

29 January 2009

Before this session I thought that this little guy might be a bit camera shy - turns out he is the complete opposite! Everytime he walked past my camera he would give me the biggest smile. Such a delight to photograph.

He likes to wave at aeroplanes...


25 January 2009

Back in September last year I took some photos of Frasier when he was only a couple of weeks old:

Look how much he has grown!

Fiona & Bryce

Here are my favourite pics from Fiona and Bryce's maternity session in December. Congratulations to you both on the arrival of your daughter this week. I can't wait to meet her! xx

Canary Wharf

8 January 2009

There is something about night photos of cities, I just love them. If I can get milky water in the photo as well then I am a happy girl! Sunday afternoon was absolutely freezing, I had so many layers on I looked like Michelin woman (and I was still cold!) It's been a good weekend photography wise with a trip to Dovercourt and London :D

An early start

3 January 2009

It was a very early start for me this morning, I dragged myself out of bed at 06:30 to get to Dovercourt in time for sunrise. Even though it was absolutely freezing, and i'm not a morning person, I think it was worth the effort!

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