26 July 2010
When one of my best friends announced that she was pregnant I knew that I needed to plan a couple of trips back home to Essex to coincide with her due date. I arranged two visits, two weeks apart. Little baby E made an appearance 10 days after her due date and right in the middle of my two visits! She was definitely worth the wait. I'm smitten. There's nothing quite like a cuddle with a very tiny newborn baby. I took a lot of photos, she is just so beautiful. It's amazing to see how much she changed over the two weeks that I was in Essex. Here she is at 11 days old.
A year ago today...
3 July 2010
...I was at Wembley Stadium watching Take That's The Circus Tour with my lovely friends. An absolutely amazing show, I don't know how they can possibly improve on it with their next concert.
The girls and I
A packed Wembley Stadium, you can see Gary Barlow on the big screen
I can't wait until their next concert!